Monday, September 21, 2009

Driftwood: Week 2 Update

Hi all!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

This week was not very productive, work-wise and writing-wise. On the other hand, I re-discovered a lot of music that I love, met an old friend, ate at a hole-in a wall Thai restaurant that served super-yummy food, cleaned the 'TV room' and vanity space. So, trying not to feel bad over stuff that hasn't been accomplished.

Week 2 Update:

1. Finish the paper today and submit it to my advisor. Today! Yes! (one of my few 'yeses' this week).
2. Resume working on my other experiment. Analyze data and collect some more. started reading some related stuff, but didn't accomplish much
3. Start outlining the dissertation proposal (related to 2) Nope!

4. Continue with Morning pages. I've decided to also use it for my academic work- to allow it to let me look at my research from different points of view and also think of my research creatively and not as if it was just 'work'. Yes- except on this weekend
5. Work a bit on the novel as outlined last week. No..:(..Actually I did write a few sentences, but that doesn't really count, does it?
6. Post on the blog once or twice. Yes- 3 times!
7. Incorporate exercise into my regular routine No- I really feel bad about this and need to figure how to do this
8. Start yoga again No- but will do so, once the new quarter starts

This week, I plan on being more focussed. Maybe waking up earlier in the morning and getting writing done, instead of going online

This week's goals:

Academic/Work related:

1. Finish a couple of chapters and a few papers connected to the new experiment. Analyze data based on that
2. Start thinking about the Dissertation proposal


1. Novel!!
2. Morning Pages
3. Blog posts


1. Exercise!!!!! I would like to exercise atleast 3-4 times a week as well as do breathing exercises
2. I have been wanting learn French forever now. Will seriously think of how to take baby steps in that direction. Any suggestions?
3. Want to read the Upanishads. Might begin with isa Upanishad- I am curious about some of the older literature such as this.The bits I've accidentally come across, I love. So I need to read more.
4. I also want to resume Indian Classical Music classes. I've been trying to find a good teacher, but keep giving up. Will try again to find somebody to teach me (especially Hindustani Classical)

I know some of the above goals were not strictly writing goals, but thought I'd keep track of them here along with my writing goals.

Have a great week!!


  1. congrats on accomplishing what you did. you set out a lot of goals for yourself and i think you did marvelous!

  2. Indian classical music!!! That sounds amazing! I lived in India for a while a few years ago and it was then when I first came across with Indian classical music. I had a little conversation with this lovely kid who was studying classical music. I was too, so I was keen in listening to him playing. I had an enormous surprise when he didn't play Mozart or Beethoven ,etc but some Indian classical music. It was enlighting in many ways. One of them, being able to stop myself thinking the West is the centre of the world. The few months I lived in India were an amazing personal journey. I also read The Upanishads in uni in my Philosophy degree. Amazing but also hard work!!! Enjoy your week.

  3. sounds like you had a very productive week!
