Sunday, July 26, 2009

At the end of last week I blogged about having finished the book My So-Called Freelance Life by Michelle Goodman.  At Kiki's suggestion, I thought I would share a little more about it with all of you since so many of us are interested in some form of freelancing.  

I have looked at several books on freelancing (and purchased a few) and this is by far the most comprehensive and least boring.  Goodman covers every single thing any beginning freelancer could want to know and lots of things I would not have thought to ask.  She discusses all these things in a tone that makes you want to keep reading.  I particularly liked the introduction, which is titled, "Eat, Pray, Quit", and deals with whether or not you are ready to leave your job and do full-time freelancing.

The chapters cover: drafting a business plan, getting real with your finances, what you need and don't need in an office, licenses, lawyers, getting and keeping clients, how to make a sales pitch and negotiate terms, understanding contracts, dealing with the client from hell, getting your cash flow and savings in check, paying taxes as a freelancer, etc.  It also includes resources throughout the book, as well as a short list of resources at the end of the book.

There were a lot of things in these pages that I had no idea were essential knowledge for freelancers.  I would highly encourage you to pick this book up if you are interested in learning more and getting started.


  1. I am currently reading this book and I absolutely love it.

  2. Thank you for the recommendation and the review. There are so many books out there that it is very helpful to know about one somebody's found useful.

  3. this has been on my amazon wish list for a while now. i will definitely get it. i'd love to do some sort of freelance work.

  4. Thanks, Lauren!

    SWIMmers, don't forget that Kimberly Wilson interviewed Michelle Goodman a few months ago:
